A life sciences company was commercializing a unique, less invasive test for the detection of cancer. Their aim was to understand perspectives of a cross section of Canadian women to gauge interest in and willingness to pay out of pocket for the test and to inform marketing and communication strategy for launch.

RESEARCH STRATEGY GROUP uncovered the needs hierarchy (emotional needs & psychological benefits) that women are looking for in cancer screening. This enabled us to build out a mental model of what women need from a test, explore where this test will fit into the screening process, and clearly understand the role of physician influence on this decision.
Our team employed psychoanalytics & traditional research discourse through web-assisted IDIs with Canadian women in the target age range. Women completed a story exercise prior to the interview to help us understand their most memorable experiences when undergoing the current invasive screening to explore the imprinting of this experience to uncover impressions, emotions, fears, and anxieties.
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