Brand & Pricing Optimization

Optimize brand and pricing strategies with our highly predictive, pragmatic behavioural model that simulates real decision-making.

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brand optimization solutions


Why is our approach to optimization the best?

Flexibility: We build custom solutions that provide more flexibility than off-the-shelf solutions.

Experienced: Led by Anne Coulter, our team has completed hundreds of discrete choice projects in many categories and across a wide range of objectives.

Leading-edge: We employ the latest advances in sophisticated modeling, using hierarchical Bayes disaggregate discrete choice models. We work in collaboration with our statistician, Dr. Tim Renken, a leading expert in discrete choice modeling.

Pragmatic: We provide actionable scenario-based analyses to support management decisions. We can link our results to your data for the most realistic results possible.

Easy-to-use: We stay involved until you are comfortable and enjoying maximum benefits from our user-friendly simulator.

How does discrete choice modeling work?

Respondents are exposed to a series of alternative configurations of the test ideas and make choices based on their preferences. Patterns in these choices inform a model that identifies the most important factors and narrows on the collection of elements that most effectively drive adoption or communication strategy.

Traditional rating scales introduce noise into the data because people interpret scales differently, so why use them?

pricing strategy solutions

male with two thumbs up and female holding coffee mug, looking at laptop set up on a cardboard box

With our pricing strategy services, you can achieve higher revenue and profits at the brand, portfolio, or category level.

We use scenario-based price optimization strategies to measure the impact of price changes:

  • optimize prices by channel
  • develop effective pricing strategies for a targeted SKU, sub-brand, brand or brands
  • measure line price increases or decreases
  • measure impact of promotional pricing
  • anticipate impact of competitor price changes or promotional pricing

Our capabilities include: managing prices through channels, communicating effective pricing strategies, and implementing effective pricing tactics.

Refine strategies without additional testing

behaviour with robust simulator

Discover what is driving behaviour

robust, sophisticated, advanced analytics

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