WEBINAR: Behavioural Science

Join us on Thursday, October 8th for our upcoming webinar on how we use BSci to help you understand and shape consumer decision making.

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September 29, 2020

WEBINAR: Behavioural Science

Customer in supermarket, from behind while she looks at shelves of milk in cartons and jugs

The best marketers don’t just understand consumer behaviour…they shape it!

You are invited to an upcoming webinar on Thursday, October 8th (12:00pm EDT / 11:00am CDT) where RESEARCH STRATEGY GROUP will explain how we successfully use Behavioural Science to understand the “systematically irrational” consumer and develop strategies to help you actively intervene to shape favourable consumer decision making and behaviours.

During the session we will detail how to…

  • leverage essential qualitative BSci forensic tools and frameworks to understand the cognitive biases shaping consumer decision making and behaviour.
  • Deploy leading edge quantitative tools to create marketing and communications strategies that “nudge” consumers towards favourable marketing outcomes.

Date: Thursday, October 8, 2021

Time: 12:00-1:00 EDT/11:00am-12:pm CDT

If you are interested but unable to attend, we encourage you to register and we will send you a recording following the event.

register here

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